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CSUEB accessibility portal

Cal State East Bay accessibility portal


quick links from CSUEB Masthead


quick links from CSUEB menus


browsers and web site accessibility

This web page can be viewed correctly with a recent-version browser that can render pages coded with reference to industry-based XHTML and CSS standards. As browsers continue to improve capabilities for accurate rendering of XHTML and CSS markup, and as the web standards continue to develop, readers are encouraged to view this web site with a recent-version browser.

For additional information about web browser support for XHTML and CSS standards, see World Wide Web Consortium.

For additional information about initiatives for web accessibility, see W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

CSUEB web site documents with an 'access & my browser' link are developed with reference to industry-wide XHTML and CSS conventions for web document markup and presentation that are current as of this revision. Many standards-ready browsers are available on various widely-available operating systems.


information for Windows users

For best page rendering, Windows XP users should browse with Internet Explorer 7. Earlier Windows operating systems can also render CSS2 document styles with a Mozilla browser such as Netscape.


reserved for future use


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